Quality management
ISO 9001:2015 integrated quality management system, conforming to international standards
Area of use: machine installation, pipe-work construction, qualified welding, the use of high-pressure water technology and service activities, as well as the purchase of all materials connected to the company’s activities
Certificate issuing body: TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH
Certification number: 01 100 1624218
Valid: 26.02.2026
ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system, conforming to international standards.
Area of use: machine installation, pipe-work construction, qualified welding, the use of high-pressure water technology and service activities, as well as the purchase of all materials connected to the company’s activities.
Certificate issuing body: TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH
Certification number: 01 104 1624218
Valid: 26.02.2026
ISO 45001:2018 an internationally recognized occupational health and safety management system
Area of use: machine installation, pipe-work construction, qualified welding, the use of high-pressure water technology and service activities, as well as the purchase of all materials connected to the company’s activities.
Certification body: TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH
Certification number: 01 213 1624218
Valid: 26.02.2026
SCC** Version 2011 (Safety Certificate for Contractors, Sicherheits Certifikat Contractoren, Vállalkozók Biztonsági Tanúsítványa) health and safety certificate without any limitations for high-risk industrial activities carried out in the oil and gas industry.
Area of use machine installation, pipe-work construction, welding, maintenance, the use of high-pressure water technology
Certificate issuing body: TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
Certification number: 12 106 53418 TMS
Valid until: 22.01.2026
8/2018. (VIII.17.) On the quality requirements for welding according to the MSZ EN ISO 3834-2: 2021 standard according to the qualification procedure carried out on the basis of the ITM Decree
Field of application: manufacture, assembly, conversion and repair of welded structures
Certification body: TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft. Industrial Services Business Unit
Certificate number: 8/18 19 1124
Valid: 22.11.2025
Certificate for full quality management requirements for welding according to MSZ EN ISO 3834-2: 2021
Field of application: manufacture, assembly, conversion and repair of welded structures
Certification body: TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft. Industrial Services Business Unit
Certificate number: MSZ EN ISO 3834-2 13 1206
Valid: 22.11.2025
216/2019. (IX.5) on the technical-safety requirements and official supervision of storage tanks and storage facilities for hazardous liquids or melts.
Field of application: manufacture, on-site technological installation, cleaning, repair, conversion, leak testing and periodic inspection of non-pressure vessels for the storage of hazardous liquids or melts
Certification body: TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft., Industrial Services Business Unit
Certificate number: 216/19 19 1125
Valid: 22.11.2025
Transfer system of raw material identification
Area of use: The company meets the quality requirements for the transfer of raw material identifications. It possesses the necessary procedures, competent staff and equipment to transfer identifications.
Certificate issuing body: TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft., Ipari Szolgáltatások Üzletág
Certification number: AÁ21 1131
Valid until: 05.08.2024.
Manufacturer and welding plant certification according to AD 2000-Data sheet HP 0
Field of application: Production of professional pressure equipment meeting the highest technical requirements, with a quality assurance system in accordance with technical regulations and the provision of expert supervision and inspection
Certification body: TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft., Industrial Services Business Unit
Certificate number: AD200Mbl HP021 1130
Valid: 05.08.2024
Certification allowing activities in accordance with the directions of the Nuclear Safety Regulation of The Nuclear Power Plant Paks.
Area of use: Production, assembly, welding, maintenance and repair activities in connection with the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of technical systems and system components classified to the safety classes ABOS 2 and 3
Certificate issuing body: MVM Paksi Atomerőmű Zrt. Minőségfelügyeleti Főosztály
Number of certification : KM 70/2021
Valid until: 31.12.2024
Certification of the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest’s Metrology and Technical Supervisory Department (Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatal Metrológiai és Műszaki Felügyeleti Főosztály) for announcing service activities in accordance with the 216/2019 (IX.5.) government decree in connection with storage tanks and storage facilities for hazardous liquids or melts.
Area of use: manufacturing, on-site technological installation, modifying, cleaning, leak testing and periodic testing (consistency testing) in case of store tanks and equipment made of steel not qualified as pressure tanks to store hazardous liquids or melts complying with the 216/2019 (IX.5.) government decree
Certificate issuing body: Government Office of the Capital City Budapest’s Metrology and Technical Supervisory Department
(Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatal Metrológiai és Műszaki Felügyeleti Főosztály)
Certification number:BP/0102/1784-1/2022
Valid until:undefined
Certification of the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest’s Metrology and Technical Supervisory Department (Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatal Metrológiai és Műszaki Felügyeleti Főosztály) for announcing service activities of welded structures by fusion welding technology, rebuilding and repairing, in accordance with the 8/2018 (VIII.17) ITM regulation.
Area of use: activities specified by the 8/2018 (VIII.17) ITM regulation in connection with fusion welding during manufacturing at factory or on-site, construction, modification and repair of equipment, vessels, tanks and their parts and spare parts
Certificate issuing body: Government Office of the Capital City Budapest’s Metrology and Technical Supervisory Department
(Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala Metrológiai és Műszaki Felügyeleti Főosztály)
Certification number: BP/0102/1783-1/2022
Valid until: undefined
EcoVadis sustainability certification, silver category.
Certificate issuing body: EcoVadis
Valid until: 09.02.2025
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